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Finding Balance

For more than five decades I have worked with clients in counselling/therapy to help them solve there ‘living’ issues. As well, I have penned many articles on the subject and have conducted numerous workshops, speaking to thousands of people on the effects of stress, the promotion of wellness, the development of in-house prevention teams - all to encourage people to take better care of themselves.

 Time in counselling/therapy has often been reduced by an on-target concept, such as those that fill the pages of this book. These concepts help ‘cut to the chase’ and invite understanding and insight with a minimum of verbiage.    

 The book is a collection of insights, concepts, and stories designed to help readers develop healthier attitudes toward work, relationships, and the achievement of well-being. It is informed by research and inspired by many years of counselling and therapeutic practice, and hundreds of hours as a workshop facilitator. The concepts are derived from composites of many different sessions with many different clients.

 My hope with the republishing of "Finding Balance" was to reach a new generation of Manitobans as well as new readers across Canada and the United States. Our lives are becoming increasingly complex and busy and I think the book is as relevant today as when I first published it. Sales are presently over 10,000 and still selling off the shelves of McNally Robinson.    

 I believe people are reading this book for the following reasons:

 -To better understand the stressors in their lives, their driven behaviour, and how best to be ‘in charge’ of their lives,

-To discover more about self and in particular, why they don’t take better care of self,

-To alter their perspective so they can see ‘change’ as a positive thing instead of something to be avoided, and

-To achieve their objectives and become healthier,    happier, and in balance.

 Finding Balance can be purchased at McNally Robinson (Grant Park; Forks).