Notes #54

With all the restrictions on our lives due to COVID, I thought some talk about resilience might be appropriate.


Notes #53

Last week I gave you my thoughts on the differences, or lack of them, between men and woman. Here are some other opinions: See "Notes" #19, #24, and below.
"Silence Is Golden"
However, too much silence is detrimental to a relationship.


Notes #52

The Interview That Never Was!

Recently I was asked to do an interview for an article. I thought the person asking stated that the article was about depression and anxiety. But when the actual interviewer sent a list of questions, I found that they were mostly focused on men and their mental health.


Hi New Subscribers

I just want to say "welcome" to you folks who signed up for my "Notes" blog. I do not understand this huge influx of subscribers (600 in the last 5 weeks) but I certainly welcome you all.

I would like very much to know who you are, so drop me a note and introduce yourself.


Hi New Subscribers

A quick email to say welcome to the hundreds of new folks who signed up for my "Notes" blog. I am not understanding this huge influx of subscribers but I certainly welcome you all.

I would like very much to know who you are, so drop me a note and introduce yourself.



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